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Very healthy breadfruit

The breadfruit is produced by a tree of the Moraceae family. It is a large fruit, thick, tenacious, somewhat dry, sweet, very tasty.
The fruit, baked or cooked, can be used as bread. It tastes good. It is a nutritious food par excellence. It truly replaces ordinary bread. One can also mix this fruit with wheat flour, in the preparation of homemade bread. At many tables in the northeastern sertão in Brazil, where wheat is expensive and scarce, breadfruit is actually used instead of bread at the morning meal. It is a providential resource in the Northeast of Brazil, because, as a native fruit, it is abundant and cheap. In some places you often toast slices or slices of the fruit on hot stones. To the palate it resembles the sweet potato. It becomes more delicious when used with honey or molasses.