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As fruit, there is no one who does not appreciate the strawberry, either in its natural state, or prepared canned. Before being used, the strawberry needs to be thoroughly washed, which is indispensable from various points of view. It is that the horticulturists fight the pests of the strawberries with the aid of copper compounds and other fungicides and poisonous insecticides. And there may be unenlightened or unscrupulous horticulturists who regulate their plantations with pit water. Hence the great danger of typhus, paratyphoid, and other contagious diseases. If the strawberry is of dubious origin, it should be bathed in lemon juice, which removes the danger that we are talking about. When necessary store the strawberry for a day or two, you can place it in light layers on a sieve and store it in enough cool place. The strawberry, alone or in combination with other foods, lends itself to a healthy and nutritious meal. Whenever possible, one should prefer the strawberry, as indeed any other fruit, naturally. The raw is incomparably better than the stew. However, also in the execution of numerous recipes - cakes, pies, puddings, jellies, creams, caldas - the strawberry provides good services.