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Lemon acid fruit par excellence

Lemon - acid fruit par excellence - is the king of spices and champion of the remedies. Of acrid taste, of a pleasant aroma and of beneficial effect for the organism, the lemon has the widest application in the kitchen and in Medicine. Lemon is a fruit of many benefits also in the cooking. To season the salad should use the lemon, which can only be beneficial, instead of the vinegar, which is harmful to health. When you want to drink a refreshing, pleasant, healthy drink, on hot days, prepare yourself a good lemonade. It is worth more than any soda you buy at grocery stores. In the cold days, a warm little tea, of lemon balm, alfavaca, mint, etc. with lemon juice, is something really delicious and only good, while the custom of taking drips to warm the body only makes it bad.
The lemon peel, grated, is a condiment that many housewives know to prefer in the preparation of cakes, sweets, creams, puddings, candies, etc.