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Fruits and cereals

Fruits and cereals were not only the foods most useful to our ancestors, but also the most economical. They were found everywhere, and when they were not found, he took care, from an early age, of cultivating them. It is still common in some countries to prefer to rent or buy a house with a large yard where vegetables and vegetables can be planted. There is no farm, plantation, site, farm or nook that does not have its orchard and its garden.
It was civilization that changed, and with grave damage to humanity, this millenary and precious habit of eating only vegetables. We flee from natural and pure food to give ourselves to the artificial regime with consequences that are often lamentable for our organism.
Fortunately, the campaign of returning to healthy and original food is being done with enthusiasm, dedication and appreciable results. In almost all cities, not only in the markets, but also in many specialist houses, excellent varieties of fruit, cereals, vegetables and vegetables at advantageous prices, capable of affecting all social classes.
Vegetarianism can and should be practiced by everyone in hot or cold climates. In the cold regions it is enough to help you with fatty foods and oils to reach the calories necessary to the organic balance. Often the oil, the butter, the fats and the oils are enough to reach that balance. In a hot climate, vegetarian regime is a necessity. They are the vegetables we eat, which purify the body, relieving the blood of its toxins.
In vegetables we find almost all the elements indispensable to our complete development. And if we combine milk, eggs and honey together, we will have the list of our main foods complete.