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Fruit juices

They are rich in vitamins, minerals and everything that is best in sun-ripened fruits - non-alcoholic cocktails - that is the innovation that is revolutionizing the diet of many people.
To prepare these vitamins just pass the fruits by the blender, or, failing that, by the meat grinder. The bark is not stripped of them, for in the epicarp their most beneficent principles are found. However, some precautions must be taken in the preparation of these excellent natural beverages:
1. Fruits should be scrupulously washed.
2. Juices are most beneficial when using fresh fruits.
3. Natural cocktails should not be kept too long in the refrigerator; should be taken fresh.
Most vegetables also give juices of a pleasant flavor, even when taken alone, some, however, such as watercress, celery, beetroot and others, are too strong and should therefore be mixed with other juices, such as carrots, tomatoes, etc.