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The chestnut tree, tree of the family of the Fagáceas, comes from the region of the Mediterranean. Chestnut is an energy food par excellence. In Italy the use of polenta or brown angus is very common, which represents a large part of the daily ration of the handyman. Peasants who use it in abundance in the producing areas, where it is very cheap, are often said to live on bread from the woods. To prepare a puree, the nuts are cooked in water, peeled and kneaded with the pestle. Serve it in the natural or with warm milk and a little honey. It's a very nutritious dish. To roast the chestnuts, a cut is made in each one of them and placed in a baking pan or in an iron pot, that is taken to the oven. They can also be roasted directly in the coals. The fire should be mild and the nuts should be resolved frequently so they do not burn.