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Calcium is one of the essential elements of animal and plant tissues. Bones, teeth, shells are formed, to a large extent, from calcium phosphate. The main function of this mineral is like phosphorus, build bones and teeth. Other purposes: it intervenes in the blood coagulation, competes for the formation of the intercellular cement, acts to increase the tissue oxygen consumption, assists the muscles in the recovery phase, slows down fatigue, influences the action of the lab-ferment, coordinates the action of sodium and potassium in cardiac contraction, contributes to maintain the balance of iron in the body, etc.
The amount of calcium required by the adult is 0.45 to 0.55 g per day, but it is prudent, as a safety measure, to allow a further 50% increase to 0.70 or 0.80 ga share, ie 0, 01 g per pound of person's weight.
Foods rich in calcium: almonds, hazelnuts, buriti, cashew nuts, parana nut, coconut crab, macambira flour, mucuna flour, soybean meal, white beans, mulatto beans, black beans, dried figs , black currant, jenipapo, orange, cow's milk, milk powder, molasses raw egg yolk, dry soybeans.