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Fruits in children's nutrition

The child, even at a young age, can not be fed exclusively with milk. Although this is a rich food, it lacks certain nutritional elements. And it is necessary to supply this deficiency with products of the vegetable kingdom.
No mother should ignore the need to give fruit juice to the baby, especially when breastfed. This measure aims to provide the child's body with precious vitamin C, in addition to other vitamins, as well as the indispensable salts. Papaya, cashew, orange, lime, apple, tomato, etc., are rich sources of vitamin C. Pediatricians and pediatricians recommend lemon or orange juice for a month and a half. By the middle of the second month of life, the baby should therefore begin to receive fruit juice as a supplement to his or her natural diet. The mother will choose fruits easy to find, giving one type at a time. You should think first of all about lemon and orange. It will start with 15g daily and will increase the dose gradually to 80 or 100g.
By the fourth month, the juice of other fruits, such as cashew or papaya, can be added to this juice, which is also, as we have said, very rich in vitamin C, and it is also possible to give the child vegetable juice, such as carrots, beets, tomatoes. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, does not accumulate in the body, and since its daily requirement is reduced (30 mg) to the infant, it is useless to administer large doses at once in preparations sold in pharmacies. The right thing to do is to administer small doses already contained, naturally, in the fruit juices.
Older children not only drink the juice, but also eat the pulp of the fruit because their needs are more varied. Among other things, they take advantage of pulp, cellulose itself, which stimulates bowel movements. In order to guarantee a good use in the children's meals, the fruits must be very mature. In the preparation of the juice, sterilized dishes, glassware, plastic or stainless steel should be used. The juice should be prepared the moment it is served. It is not good to prepare it in advance or store it for later meals. At first the juice is given in a tea spoon or in a bottle.
From orange and lemon juice can be extracted by squeezing them by hand or using a juicer. But to extract the juice from the tomato, carrot, beet, etc., it is good to have a centrifuge or a blender.
This is done by washing the blender well. Scale the game of steel (the faquinhas). It dries very well. Cut the tomatoes into pieces in the glass. Beats well. A cup is covered with very fine gauze, sterilized, and the tomato juice is cooked. As with other vegetables or fruits. With these juices the infant will receive a good dose of vitamins and salts that the milk does not provide enough.