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Fruits are man's natural foods

They affirm that fruits are natural foods of man, mineralizantes par excellence, and it is in this pure source and not in the corpses that we must support ourselves for the repair of our forces. In this perfumed food we find life, joy, for it is for us the proper vehicle, according to the order established by nature. When the fruits are well digested, this mode of feeding is the most detoxifying, acts as an alkaline source, washes the kidneys and purifies the blood.

Fruit juice represents abundant reserves of hydrocarbonates and mineral salts, and vegetable acids (citric, malic and tartaric acids) undergo combustion in the body which turns them into carbonic gas, producing potassium carbonate, which has been of importance for a long time. much is recognized. Cellulose, for its part, plays an important role, mechanically facilitates the course in the intestines, helps peristalsis, increases the volume of the faecal cake and facilitates its movement along the pathways that it has to go through.

Still in the fruits that are the main vitamins, imponderable, mysterious elements, so necessary in the diet. These accessory factors, which must be used in nutrition to strengthen our defense reaction, make their juice as an alkaline, nutritious, living and perfectly assimilable serum.

Therefore, the fruits should be an integral part of our food and be served before any other dish.