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See step by step to do at home Facial drainage

Know the technique that can eliminate toxins from the face and delay the appearance of signs of skin aging
Has your face shown signs of tiredness when you wake up? This period of social isolation has altered the sleep of many people, but a simple facial drainage can bring back the desired feeling of well-being, as well as recovering the vitality of the skin.
This technique is ideal for saying goodbye to swelling of the face, releasing toxins and toning the skin. You only need to take a few minutes and pay full attention to the moment of the self-massage. It's time to optimize skincare and feel all the benefits on your own skin!
Benefits of facial drainage
Facial drainage is a technique that aims to stimulate and optimize the functions of the lymphatic system - a network of vessels that move fluids from tissues into the circulatory system and aid in the body's immunity. This technique is also responsible for eliminating toxins, activating blood circulation and promoting relaxation of facial muscles, reducing swelling.
Patricia Tobo, Natura's scientific welfare manager, emphasizes the importance of the method: “Lymphatic drainage stimulates greater oxygenation of facial tissues, improving the appearance of the face. Their movements help to reduce swelling and promote relaxation. For this reason, it is a great ally of the skincare routine, especially when associated with anti-aging cosmetics, antioxidants and moisturizers ”.
Unlike facial massages that act exclusively on the signs of age and, therefore, resort to upward movements; drainage makes use of downward movements. This is the recommended direction for clearing the lymphatic channels. The technique has no contraindications and can be done at any time of the day, 2 to 3 times a week.
Spa time at home
To get the best benefits from facial drainage, first try to do it in a relaxing environment at home. If you can, make use of a diffuser with a fresh aroma and choose a song of your choice as the ambient sound. Dim the artificial light, sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply three times in a row. This will help you to connect with the present moment and disconnect from everything around you.
All ready? So, now, just follow the step by step!
After cleaning the skin, apply a moisturizer of your choice to the face and neck. A good option is Chronos Acqua Biohydrate. It has a light and refreshing formula, as well as active, prebiotic and intelligent hydration technology, which activates the skin's five self-hydration mechanisms, maintaining the balance of the microbiota and repairing hydration levels according to the needs of each face region. .
It is the moisturizer that will facilitate the sliding of the fingers during the massage, enhancing its effects.
1. To begin, place your two hands flat on your cheeks and apply light pressure to the area.
2. Using the three middle fingers of the right hand, press the left base of the neck - close to the collarbone. Then go up a little bit to the middle and then higher up, just below the jaw. Each press should last three seconds. Repeat the movements three times in a row.
3. Now, reproduce this same sequence on the right side of the neck, using the three middle fingers of the left hand.
1. With the fingertips of both hands, promote a slow and smooth glide, starting at the chin and ending at the collarbones, running down the entire neck - from top to bottom. Do this exercise three times in a row;
2. Once this is done, place the tips of the three middle fingers of both hands on the forehead, promoting the meeting between them. Then, slide them to the front of the ears, down the side of the face. This sequence must also be performed three times in a row;
3. Now, with the middle and index fingers, make circular and slow movements, from the center of the forehead to the chin, massaging the entire side of the face. Finish by sliding your fingers in a continuous, downward motion to the base of the neck. Repeat three times.

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