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Hand hydration

Intensive hand hygiene can cause dryness and even dermatitis; know how to keep your skin healthy
Hand hygiene, either with soap or 70% gel alcohol, has become an even more frequent habit in this pandemic moment. This practice is essential to stop the spread of the new coronavirus, but it can cause dry skin and allergies. Calm! One way to solve this while protecting yourself against covid-19 is to keep your attention with hydration of your hands.
For you to understand why these skin changes and how to treat them, we talked to dermatologists Paulo Created, coordinator of the Department of Internal Medicine, and Sylvia Ypiranga, advisor to the Department of Cosmiatrics, both of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD).
1. Why does hand washing many times a day intensify skin dryness?
The sebaceous glands in the body produce sebum, a substance responsible for lubricating and protecting our skin. With frequent cleaning, this protective oil from the skin can decrease, which leaves the epidermis (the most superficial layer of the skin) dry. “To combat this dryness, we recommend the use of moisturizers. Preferably, choose those without dyes, as they avoid an allergic process. Also use cosmetics in the form of cream. If your hands are extremely dry, choose moisturizing ointments ”, says Sylvia.
2. Can we reapply the hand moisturizer several times a day?
Yes. There is no daily application limit, it depends on the needs of each person. It can be right after each hand washing or three to five minutes after using 70% alcohol gel, says the dermatologist.
3. Can the hand moisturizer be the same one used on the body?
Yes. But the ideal is to use specific products for the hands, which tend to be more creamy and with active ingredients in concentrations appropriate for that region of the body. To also prevent skin aging, the dermatologist recommends using products with a sun protection factor. One option is Tododia Nóz Pecã e Cacau hand cream with SPF 20, which protects the skin from UVA and UVB rays and prevents premature aging.
4. What to do if the skin crack due to dryness?
Look for healing ointments with d-panthenol, a type of vitamin essential for skin health, and use moisturizers without urea or lactic acid. If the dryness persists, it is essential to seek medical help, advises Sylvia.
5. Can frequent contact with alcohol gel develop allergies?
This is a rare condition, explains dermatologist Paulo Created. The most common occurrence is that the skin is irritated by the constant use of 70% alcohol gel. If this is the situation, the use of moisturizers can alleviate this symptom. If cracks appear on the skin or if it starts to itch intensively, see a dermatologist to evaluate the dermatitis, as they need specific moisturizing lotions to be treated.
6. Can the use of household cleaning products for hand hygiene cause skin problems?
Yes. According to specialists from the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, these products can cause irritations such as redness, dryness, flaking and cracking of the skin, and even bring problems to the respiratory tract.
These products have not been adapted for human skin. The exception is kitchen detergent ”, explains the dermatologist. Still, he says, frequent use of this item can also cause dry skin.
7. How is it possible to maintain skin health in quarantine?
The pandemic has reconfigured our habits, but self-care in general does not need to be left out. So, keep your daily water intake, eat foods rich in fiber, with fruits and vegetables. Always avoid hot and prolonged baths. In addition to these guidelines, Sylvia makes a point of scoring: the daily cleaning routine must be accompanied by hydration and use of sunscreen.
If you already have a guidance for care prescribed by a doctor, keep it and don't invent or try magic formulas ”, concludes the expert.
The products mentioned above are available on the website