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The causes of male hair loss are many. In addition to genetic inheritance, it may be associated with changes in the thyroid gland, anemia, psychological and psychiatric problems, alcohol intake and cigarette use. The good news is that some cases are amenable to treatment, who is guaranteed by the doctor and trichologist Luciano Barsanti. He guides, therefore, to always be aware of the volume of hair that falls throughout the day. Falling is necessary for new ones to grow in place. A normal fall can lead to the loss of 100 to 150 hairs per day. "Notice, therefore, if there are excess or changes in those left by the shower box, comb, pillow, bathroom sink, car seat, computer keyboard and work desk. Maybe it is the case to look for a specialist", guides Barsanti .
Next, he comments on each of the reasons that can even lead to baldness and reveals possible treatments.
Genetic inheritance leads to baldness
or of the Instituto do Cabelo and president of the Brazilian Society of Trichology.
According to Barsanti, 8 out of 10 men end up inheriting the gene for some degree of baldness (known clinically as androgenetic alopecia). If the father or mother is bald, the chances of the child having the same condition are 50%. When both are bald, it rises to 75%. To understand if this is your case, it is recommended to look for a specialist, who can be a dermatologist and / or trichologist, capable of analyzing family history and performing hormonal tests that identify the problem.
“In trichology offices we also make a scalp scanner, which enlarges the image up to 30 thousand times and with that we can observe the condition of the threads, the scalp and any malignant or benign lesions that appear on the surface of the leather”, he explains Barsanti.
Another very important exam is microscopy of the hair bulb. Through it it is possible to detect the lesions of the wires and their causes.
Stress makes hair fall
Stress influences hair loss because it is a state in which the body releases substances - adrenaline, for example - capable of triggering the feeling of alertness and emotional excitement. As a result, the body becomes unbalanced and, when it remains in this state for a long time, many physiological activities are affected - including the production of hair.
Poor nutrition harms hair health
An unbalanced diet can directly affect the appearance and health of the hair causing hair loss. Therefore, it is also important to maintain a menu rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins, which are essential to maintain the structure of the hair.

"Your meals need to contain proteins of animal and / or vegetable origin, fruits, dairy products, vegetables - preferably those of dark green colors, which are rich in iron -, and vegetables", says the tricologist.

Also try to lead a healthy life, with regular physical exercise and time reserved for rest. Not drinking alcohol, avoiding smoking and using anabolic steroids can be very beneficial.
Attention to the excessive use of chemical procedures

According to Barsanti, chemical procedures - straightening and dyeing - can also cause hair loss. When performed by different professionals and in a very short period of time, they tend to cause hair thinning, damage to the hair bulb or scalp burn.

“Always try to carry out the procedures with the same professional, so that there is no incompatibility of products and damage to the wires. Never use dye and straightening together. The interval between them must be at least 30 days ”, emphasizes the specialist. Between straightening and straightening, the four-month interval must be followed.

It is also important to adopt a hydration routine mainly after chemical procedures. "Moisturize twice a week with a moisturizing mask that contains natural actives", advises the specialist.
Want a tip? Bet on the Chemically Damaged Hair Treatment System, by Natura Lumina, which recovers and rebuilds the hair from the first application. It has four items: Restructuring Shampoo, Provitality Conditioner, Regenerating Mask and Progressive Regenerating Serum. All have Biotechnology Pro-teia, exclusive technology of the brand that promotes recharge of protein in the exact measure allied to the active liporeposition, which enhances the insertion of lipids lost by the hair fiber. Combined, they are able to reconstruct the cortex and return capillary mass to the strands.
Use specific products for hair growth and strengthening

Natura has specific products that are available on the website: