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Hand hygiene is an act recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the most effective in preventing diseases. For this reason, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, it is up to us to adopt it as a permanent and frequent habit and, in this way, unite us to stop the contagion.
Despite the runaway by alcohol gel - with a recommended alcoholic strength of 70% v / v -, to protect against viruses and bacteria, the double soap and water is more efficient. "The first choice is the correct hand washing and the second option is alcohol gel. The two techniques can be combined to increase safety," says Cristina Nader, our corporate medical manager.
When choosing the soap, try to choose those of vegetable origin, which do not leave the skin dry. This is the case of Ekos Pure Pure Vegetable Bar Soaps, which clean and protect, maintaining the skin's natural hydration. Want more option? Choose Tododia's Pure Vegetable Bar Soaps, which, while cleaning, leave skin soft and silky. And if you need an alcohol gel to have around, go for Antiseptic Gel Alcohol for Hands Erva Doce, which has an alcohol concentration of 70% and a formula that prioritizes plant ingredients.
When to wash your hands
In addition to the most usual moments (before and after preparing food, as well as after using the bathroom), it is important to wash your hands every time you have contact with external door handles, buttons and surfaces of elevators, handrails, counters in general, supermarket trolleys and baskets, cardboard machines and other sharable objects.
If it is not possible to wash your hands right after situations like these, the Ministry of Health advises not to touch your eyes, mouth and nose until hygiene is actually performed. Remembering that, if it is possible to have a bottle of alcohol gel, immediate protection will be guaranteed. The Antiseptic Gel Alcohol for Hands Fennel 70 INPM 250 g has Economic Packaging.
Natura has specific products for hand hydration that are available on the site: