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In line at the supermarket, the cashier says to an elderly woman:

- You should bring your own shopping bags, since plastic bags are not environmentally friendly.

The lady apologized and said:

- There was no green wave in my time.

The employee replied:

- That is exactly our problem today, my lady. Your generation has not cared enough about our environment.

"You are right," replied the lady. Our generation has not been properly concerned with the environment. At that time, bottles of milk, bottles of soda and beer were returned to the store. The store sent them back to the factory, where they were washed and sterilized before each reuse, and they, the beverage manufacturers, used the bottles, a few other times.

We don't really care about the environment in our time.

Even baby diapers were washed, because there were no disposable diapers. The drying was done by ourselves, not in these electric dryers. Solar and wind energy really dried our clothes.

But it is true: there was no concern for the environment in those days. At that time we only had a TV or radio at home, and not a TV in each room. And the TV had a 14-inch screen, not a stadium-sized screen; which will then be discarded, as I don't know.

In the kitchen, we had to beat everything with our hands because there were no electric mixers, which do everything for us. When we sent something fragile in the mail, we used old newspapers as protection, not bubble wrap or plastic pellets that last five centuries to start degrading.

In those days, a gasoline engine was not used to mow the lawn, a lawn mower that required muscles was used. The exercise was extraordinary, and I didn't need to go to a gym and use treadmills that also work on electricity.

But you are right: there was no concern for the environment at that time. We drank water directly from the source when we were thirsty, instead of using plastic cups and pet bottles that now fill the oceans.

We didn't actually have a green wave at that time. At that time, people would take the collective tram or bus and the boys would ride their bikes or walk to school, instead of using their parents as a 24-hour taxi service.

So, it is not incredible that the current generation talks so much about "environment", but do not want to give up anything and do not think about living a little as in my time!

Now that you have read this outburst, send it to your friends who are over 50 years old, and to young people who have everything in their hands and only know how to criticize their elders !!!

A free class taught by an elderly woman considered outdated ...