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Frying pan pasta ingredients

 • 3 tablespoons of olive oil

• 1/2 chopped onion

• 250g diced ham

• 2 tablespoons of tomato extract

• 1 cup (tea) of peeled tomatoes in pieces

• 3 cups (tea) of hot water

• 1 envelope of powdered seasoning for vegetables

• 1/2 packet of penne grano duro pasta (250g)

• 200g diced mozzarella cheese

• Salt and fresh basil to taste

• Grated Parmesan cheese for sprinkling

Preparation mode

Heat a large nonstick skillet with the oil and fry the onion and ham for 3 minutes. Add the extract, the peeled tomato, the hot water, the powdered seasoning, the pasta and cook, stirring a few times, until the pasta is al dente. Add the mozzarella, salt, basil and cook for another 1 minute. Turn off, sprinkle with parmesan, basil and serve.