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Weak nails: how to treat and keep them strong and healthy

Having weak nails that break and chip often can be common, but it is not normal and deserves investigation. They can be a symptom of an imbalance in the body, a lack of nutrients in the diet or harmful habits.

"The main signs of the problem are thin nails, which peel easily, have porous appearance and have spots and irregularities, and are more vulnerable to fungal attack," explains dermatologist Abdo Salomão Jr., a member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology and from the American Academy of Dermatology.

Weak nails as a symptom

Brittle nails can be a symptom of some disease, such as hypothyroidism, anemia or insulin resistance, and diabetes. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention if breaks are very frequent. Their status may also indicate that they served as a gateway to fungal, virus or bacterial infections.

Another reason for brittle nails is in food. Low protein and vitamin intake may be one of the causes of the problem. “The nails are made of keratin, which is a protein. Therefore, it is important to consume foods with good protein levels, such as egg, chicken breast, almonds, broccoli, meat and fish, ”says the doctor. Drinking 2-3 liters of water a day also helps keep your nails hydrated and resistant.

Lack of vitamins

Lack of selenium and iron may be behind weak nails. Zinc deficiency also leaves the nails brittle and whitish. But do not take any vitamins on your own. Seek the advice of a doctor who will order the necessary tests and indicate what you should take and for how long.

Changing habits to strengthen nails

Some daily habits are often the main cause for weak nails and are also the easiest to change when you want to have them resistant. Constant use of nail polish and nail polish removers containing toluene, nail biting and cuticle removal are the most common factors.

"The cuticles have a protective function and prevent the passage of water and other harmful substances into the matrix, which is the nail factory," says Salomão Jr.