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Procedures to be more relaxed with hydration in the body

 Start by applying the moisturizer from the bottom up, starting at the ankles, in a circular motion. This can help to relieve tension points.


Always from the bottom up, you can vary the strength of the movements: lighter from the ankles to the knees and more intense from the thighs to the groins.


Make repeated circular movements from the outside inward along the entire length of the buttocks.


While standing, massage the navel outwards, making clockwise circles, always expanding the movement towards the waist and breasts. On the sides, pass the moisturizer from bottom to top; and spread it on your lower back.


Like the legs, start with the hands and go up to the shoulders. Caprice on the elbows. From the shoulders, try to spread the product towards the upper back.


Spread the cream with your fingertips and make circular movements from the inside out.

Neck and neck

Apply from top to bottom, towards the neck, also massaging the clavicle region.


At the present time, hand hygiene more often is a powerful weapon against the new coronavirus. But washing and cleaning with alcohol gel 70 can cause dryness of that part of the body, so strengthening hydration is essential. Our suggestion is to apply Ekos Passion Fruit Moisturizing Nectar, which has rapid absorption.

Final touch

To prolong the delicious sensation of this bath, end your ritual with a touch of the feminine passion fruit cologne deodorant colony. The light fruity aroma of passion fruit extract brings the sweet sourness typical of the fruit, leaving your skin delicately scented with fresh and comfortable notes. To enhance the effect, apply to the wrists, neck, neck and behind the ears.

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